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Dr.Huan He
Princeton University
Huan He is currently a fifth year graduate student in the physics department of Princeton University, supervised by Prof. B. Andrei Bernevig. Previously he obtained a master degree in Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, and a bachelor degree in University of Science and Technology of China. His current research interest includes (but is not restricted to) topological phases of matter and especially fracton models in 3D.
Visiting dates: 2019-01-13 - 2019-01-20 Office No: 1051 E-mail:
Inviter: Chen Fang
Contact Person: Liu Yang   Contact Number: 9907
Talk Title: TBD
Talk Place: TBD
Talk Time: 2-Jan-2019 12:00 am

Description Place Time Notes

If you want to talk with Dr.Huan He, please click here to make an appointment.